Various producers

Country of origin: Italy

Gambero Rosso Mazara XL 27-30pcs Frozen

sku: MAZF003_1

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Gambero Rosso Mazara XL 27-30pcs Frozen image 1

1 Piece (900g)

About this product


The Rosso di Mazara is the only red prawn in the world to be certified as bisulphate-free. Hidden and sheltered 700 meters under the sea, they are left to be caressed by the strong tides that rejuvenate their purity. The Mediterranean Sea's high evaporation rate enriches it with mineral salts that provide its unique flavour.

  • It can be enjoyed cooked or raw. Thaw in cold water and do not refreeze. Once thawed, keep refrigerated and use within 24 hours
  • The colour is an enchanting Reddish purple, and the taste is strong, with slightly sweet notes that stimulate the sense and a pleasant smoky aftertaste
  • Specie: Aristaeomorpha Foliacea Fishing Area: Fao 37.2.2 Central Mediterranean Sea zone, Ionian Sea