Casinetto's Kitchen

Country of origin: Estonia

Parmesan Cheese Shredded

sku: CHEC553_9

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Parmesan Cheese Shredded image 1
Parmesan Cheese Shredded image 1

3 kg

About this product


Made with Italian technology, traditional pure milk and aged in Italy for months, to achieve the typical grana texture and flavour. Parmesan cheese is known for its rich and savoury flavour.
  • Shredded Parmesan is convenient for cooking and garnishing, a quick way to add flavor to pasta dishes, salads, soups, and baked goods.
  • Parmesan is also highly versatile in recipes that call for melting or sprinkling.
  • The cheese is typically light golden in color and has a granular texture that helps it melt smoothly when added to hot dishes.