Various producers

Country of origin: China

John Dory Fillet Frozen

sku: FISF026_1

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John Dory Fillet Frozen image 1

1 Piece (800g)

About this product


John Dory is a saltwater fish, known for its white, meaty flesh which is delicate and sweet. It is an odd-looking fish with a large head that is almost half of its weight. So, it’s often best to buy fillets, rather than whole fish.
  • The white, boneless, meaty flesh is firm and flavoursome and can be cooked in various ways: grill, stake, and sauté.
  • It’s popular with chefs because it goes well with various ingredients and flavourings.
  • For the best taste add some salt, olive oil and lemon juice to these fillets and then grill in the pan.