Various producers

Country of origin: Belgium

Caviar Red Lumpfish Roe

sku: CAVC202_1

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Caviar Red Lumpfish Roe image 1
Caviar Red Lumpfish Roe image 2
Caviar Red Lumpfish Roe image 3
Caviar Red Lumpfish Roe image 4

1 Piece (100g)

About this product


Red Lumpfish Caviar Roe, crafted from sustainable seafood, exudes luxury and makes a delightful snack or classy hors d'oeuvre. Pair it with eggs, blini, sushi, and gourmet appetisers. Rich in vitamins B12 and A, protein, magnesium, and calcium, it’s a top-quality product presented in a glass jar.

  • Crafted from sustainable seafood, this roe offers a luxurious taste experience.
  • Packed with vitamins B12 and A, protein, and calcium for a nutritious gourmet treat.
  • Perfect for elevating snacks and appetisers, from sushi to blini pancakes.