Various producers

Country of origin: Italy

Cauliflower Roman from Italy

sku: VGTC206_9

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Cauliflower Roman from Italy image 1
Cauliflower Roman from Italy image 2

1 kg

About this product


Also known as romanesco broccoli or just romanesco, the Roman Cauliflower is a cruciferous veggie and member of the brassica family. This means it’s a cousin of broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage. When compared to a traditional cauliflower, it has a firmer texture and a delicate, nutty flavour.

  • Roasted romanesco (with lemon and garlic) is an amazing addition to any meal.
  • Romanesco is high in fibre, so it is good for your gut health and other nutritional goals.
  • Grown in Italy.