San Pietro a Pettine

Country of origin: Italy

Black Summer Truffle Carpaccio

sku: SPPD023_1

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Black Summer Truffle Carpaccio image 1
Black Summer Truffle Carpaccio image 2
Black Summer Truffle Carpaccio image 3

1 Piece (45g)

About this product


San Pietro a Pettine's Black Summer Truffle Carpaccio is a gourmet ingredient that contains thin slices of black summer truffle, a type of truffle that grows in summer. The product is packaged in a 50g jar and is a popular ingredient used in high-end cuisine for adding a unique, rich, and earthy flavour to dishes. Truffle carpaccio is a versatile ingredient that can add depth of flavour to many dishes, making it a staple in high-end cuisine.

  • Truffle Carpaccio can be used in a variety of ways in gourmet cooking as a topping and it can be added to pasta dishes, risottos, salads, and pizzas for a rich and earthy flavour.
  • As an appetizer, it can be served as a standalone dish, usually with bread or crackers, to start a meal. It can also be added to sauces, spreads, and dressings to enhance flavour.
  • In omelettes and scrambled eggs, adding truffle carpaccio to egg dishes can add a unique and elevated flavour.